Join Our Prayer Set
Since its founding in 2011, the Santa Barbara House of Prayer has existed to create a place in the heart of Santa Barbara where people can encounter God and intercede for the city and region through prayer, worship, and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Our goal is to establish prayer 365 days a year.
SBHOP believes God answers prayer. Through prayer we partner with the heart of God for His purposes. Jesus teaches us to pray that God's Kingdom come, His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10). Our lives are dedicated to this prayer. We long to see God's will for Santa Barbara as it is in heaven! We are calling people of the various church families to labor in this prayer for the many specific areas God's love will bring transformation to our city.

Prayer for City of Santa Barbara

This prayer set covers all aspects concerning the city and varies as the Holy Spirit leads. It includes but is not limited to prayer for government leaders within the city, prayer for those that are homeless or addicted to drugs and alcohol, as well as prayer for Santa Barbara and against spiritual attack.


Prayer for SBHOP

Come join Lizzy Savage to pray over SBHOP, to expand into God's intended footprint, for breakthrough into the supernatural, heavenly encounters and praying the Word for the rains to come.


Bright Light Wednesday
Open Mic | October 11

Come let God's light shine through you by sharing your gifts and talents! Be it by song, poem, testimony, message of hope, etc. With all the darkness in our nation and around the world, this is the best time for believers to rise up and shine even brighter, for we are the light of the world.

Second Wednesday of the Month

Prayer for the youth of america

Come join Lizzy Savage to pray for breakthroughs, for youth groups to arise, and a full move of God from grade school on up. Help press in for an outpouring of blessings to our nations children.
Church Unity

This prayer set is dedicated in interceding for two church families and their leaders each week. The Santa Barbara region has nearly 100 churches. Covering these members of the body of Christ with prayer is one of SBHOP's core functions.


Kids Worship

A place and time for children ages 2.5 to 5 to worship God and enjoy dancing and expressing their creativity. If your child has any portable instruments, worship flags or scarves, please bring them to class. Invite your friends to join us!
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven." Mt 19:14

City Wide Prayer and Brat Haus

Join Shayne as she
prays for the city of Santa Barbara and the Brat Haus to be on fire for God
You may drop in during any of these prayer sets at the time listed above at our location
and someone will be there to greet you.