Evangelism Outreach

Are you hungry to bring others to Jesus? To reveal the glory of Christ in others who don't know Him? In the Evangelist Outreach department you will be joined to a team of evangelists who are commited to pursuing souls brought into the Kingdom of Heaven. Santa Barbara House of Prayer is located in the Heart of Downtown Santa Barbara, on State Street. Marketplaces, Restaurants, Malls, Tourists, Youth, the Elderly, the Rich, the Poor, the Sick and the Lost are all located here and in need of the Gospel.
You will be equipped with the simple yet powerful message of the Gospel as well as the gifts of the Holy Spirit. A Tuesday class will go through "Treasure Hunters in Training" by Kevin Demond to teach you power evangelism. This will be followed real life outreaches into the city to put your supernatural gifts to practice and to save the lost.
The Gospel is all about discovering and revealing Christ. To reveal Christ in us and Christ in those who don't know Him. The Gospel is the Power of God unto Salvation for those who Believe (Romans 1:16), and with the Word of the Gospel Message is there is the seed of eternal transformation. Expressing the Gospel is a love and a passion inbedded in every believer, and this department will pull this out of you.

Share the Gospil on State street
Every week you will be a part of a team passionate about loving the people of Santa Barbara and apply what the word says about healing with an experienced leader and minister of the gospil Justus Gipson
Monthly Out Reaches & Church Unity
Bring believers from every denomination together as one body united as you gather and share testimonies from the churches of Santa Barbara
Assist in Healing/Deliverance Hotline & Ministry
Partner with Holly Malmsten with answering the healing ministry emails and meeting with people at SBHOP for hearling and prayer.