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The Residency Program


     A prayer movement is being birthed in Santa Barbara that we believe will trigger transformation for Christ in California.  Santa Barbara House of Prayer (SBHOP) desires to join and fuel this movement through sustained prayer in the heart of Downtown.   We are commited to interceding for Santa Barbara and seeing Jesus' prayer in John 17 answered - the Church of Santa Barbara unified!  We believe the result will be a City set free from sickness and bondage, and God's saints working together to be the hands and feet of Jesus, solving fundimental City problems (homelessness, drug addiction, prostitution, the need for gangs).


     We are inviting individuals who are called to impact Santa Barbara, serving God through SBHOP while living in community.  SBHOP Ministry Houses (male and female) are located in Downtown, walking distance from the prayer house.  Two dozen individuals will be sellected to enter a life-changing community that functions in three ministry teams: Evangelism Outreach , SBHOP Hospitality, and Media Group.  



Fill out the application today! We are excited to meet you and work together for it to be in Santa Barbara as it is in Heaven!



Do you have a heart for the presence and voice of God?

Are you burning for Church unity and citywide transformation?

Do you thrive living in community and working in a united team with a kingdom vision?

Do you feel prepared to endure and overcome the obsticals and opposition to the promises of God?



Application Here







Email Applications to


Decision Date:


May 28, 2016


Move In Date:


July 2, 2016


One Year Commitment,

with trimester mutual review.

House & Commitment

SBHOP has two ministry houses, one male and one female, that come together to help sustain SBHOPs visions and commitments.  


The residents are committed to one of three areas of ministry: the Media Group, Hospitality Team, and Evangelism Outreach. Each team is required to give  a minumum 4-hour commitment every week.  Community house partipants will have the opportunity to switch teams throughout the year depending upon availability. 


Ministry House members commit to attending weekly house meetings for fellowship, communication, and mutual support.  The house will also hold occastion evenings of teaching, individual ministry, and worshop, as well as few road trips. Living in community is a dynamic experience that requires commitment to one another in love in order for it to work.  You commitment to community is essential.  We estimate you will be required to invest 3 hours a week in the community house.





Ministry Teams

SBHOP Ministry House has three Teams that work to accomplish the vision of Prayer, Unity, and Encountering the love of Jesus:  HOSPITALITY - EVANGELISM OUTREACH - MEDIA.  

Choose the team that best suits your passion and talents.  Individuals will have the opportunity to switch teams every 4 months based on availability.

Media Team
  • Video/Music/Web

  • Church of Santa Barbara &   SBHOP Website

  • Regional church networking

  • Contribute Writings &Article Ideas

  • Develop Promo Videos and Short Films Related to SBHOP

Evangelism Outreach Team
  • Share the gospil on State street

  • Monthly outreaches for the purpose of supporting the local churches and pasters 

  • Assist in Healing/Deliverance

  • Hotline & Ministry

  • Prayer House Host
  • Event Planning
  • Space Management
  • Sound Assistant & Worship Support


Hospitality Team

Prayer Sets

Be a part of citywide transformation as you partner with other believers in the community to cover Santa Barbara with the Presence of the Holy Spirit

Residents will commit to one consistant prayer set a week of their choosing during their time living in the community house. The purpose of these prayer sets are to cover Santa Barbara with the presence of the Holy Sprit. 


The prayer sets are flexible and are choosen by the individule residents of the ministry houses as well as others in the commuity and therefor we ask that you choose a time in which you are able to commit to it consistantly. 

Cost & Sponsorship


Ministry House expense: ($500 per month men/ $486 women). A deposit is due upon acceptance, which includes first month's expense and refundable security deposite.

Particpants are expended to raise monthly sopport or get a part-time job in Santa Barbara, or a combination of support and income.

Questions? Email or call


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